Winds blow me against the tide
Rudder snapped in two
No place on this globe to hide
Me anchored to you

Reefs close in on every side
Any one
Could break us in two
I am safe though at your side
Me anchored to you

Well the mast buffers air wraiths
And the keel shudders my faith
That anyone cares about me
But you hold me tightly
In steel grip so warmly
Keep me safe from all catastrophe


Suffocate me with kindness
Liberate me with blindness
I cannot begin to explain
Continental drifting
Sandhill needle sifting
For a meaning that escapes my brain

Stripped beneath the elements
Fate's wheel
Steers to a course true
Caressed by cool innocence
Me anchored to you

You dance on my senses
Confuse my defences
This anchor chain binds yet supports
Well the rigging is creaking
Portholes are leaking
Anchor chain rocks loose then is taut

Storms are all far away tonight
Waves gently
Lap between us two
Deep dark mirror shimmers in the moonlight
Me anchored to you

© David Lowe 1989