My love, she don't need roses
She needs adventures and composers
Doesn't have to say she’s with me
Though I feel her through the day
Lost dogs and lost causes
Wedding bells and bad divorces
Moon is climbing through the mountains
Hand on hand we drive away

My love, she don't need churches
Each precious living thing she nurtures
Doesn't have to write her name here
It is written in the stars
Lost in bad delusions
People stumble in confusion
Curves are opening ahead now
Let the river lead us on

My love, she don't need experts
Don't need new hangers for old shirts
If something's working it's working
Whether someone says it's so
Let the cold wind blow now
Bring those snow and storm clouds
She will dance and cup the rain
Smile and tie it in a bow

[Flute solo].

My love, she don't need roses
She don't need theories and supposes
She don't need something that's dying
But lives a lifetime through
Trees are softly breathing
Spider webs are weaving
Life is all around us
Let us taste it, me and you

© David Lowe 2003