Well I've known times of terror and times of fear
Days when I'd like to hide
Seen how one person can hurt another
With a kiss denied
But I also know of things that go
Beyond tooth for tooth
Fleeting glimpses worth more than gold
Yes with you I've known moments of truth

I've been down on my knees with humility
Before the universe
Soon as I think I've learned something
Ignorance comes like a curse
But there's more to knowledge in this world
Than history and news
So much to learn from blood and soil
And from you sweet moments of truth

I've known fogs of sorrow and storms of grief
Bitter rains of loss
Streams of howling angry words
Meaningless and lost
But there's also beauty shining through
Like a patch of blue
Lies and illusion all around
But with you I've known moments of truth

Yes with you I've known moments of truth

© David Lowe 1992